The Sudbury Town Team helps to maintain and enhance the town centre and any retailer or business can register free of charge to have their information included on the See and Do Sudbury Website and App before 31st March 2016.
In order to ensure that this is concentrated on the town centre, including businesses on the Market Hill, Old Market Place, East Street, King Street, Gainsborough Street, Friars Street, Gaol Lane, North Street, Borehamgate Precinct, Station Road and Great Eastern Road, these businesses are encouraged to sign up quickly so that we can get information built.
Local businesses outside of these areas can also sign up for a small administrative charge of £20 per business, per annum. Any town centre business not providing their basic information for inclusion before 31st March 2016 will also be required to pay a similar administrative charge.
A standard form for completion can be emailed to businesses or please contact the Town Team Development Manager who will be pleased to call and fill in with businesses.
If you would like to register your business now please complete the following details to create an account.
Please be aware the registration email containing your login details may be filtered to your email spam. Please check before resetting your password.