The New Year is often the time when we think of how we can make a difference to our lives for the better. Whether it’s being move active, getting involved with your community or visiting places to educate or entertain, Sudbury has lots on offer.
The Kingfisher Leisure Centre has a wide range of facilities suitable for all ages and (…) abilities. Kingfisher Leisure Centre will be hosting Swimathon 2017. Enter as an individual or as a team in the 1.5k, 2.5k or 5k distances. Registrations are now open at .
Come along and join the Babergh Short Walks for free from the Kingfisher Leisure Centre. They are only half an hour long starting at 12noon on January 10 and 24 also on February 7 and 21. For a longer walk between 11am and 12noon on January 5 from the Health Centre, Chilton, CO10 2DZ (park on the street not in the car park). Everyone welcome.
Gainsborough’s House is currently exhibiting French drawings from the time of Gainsborough until February 19 for more information visit their website or pop into the shop in Weavers Lane.
The Quay Theatre always has something for everyone and look out for are the live cinema. On January 11 they will be showing Harold Pinter’s, No Man’s Land with Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart.
Whilst in Sudbury; take advantage of the 3 hours free parking and after you have visited the town centre shops, within 10 minutes you can take a walk on the Sudbury Common Lands.
A new weekly dodgeball club starts on Jan 9 at The Stevenson Centre, Great Cornard for 5 to 8 year olds and 9 to 14 year olds, pick up a leaflet for more information.
To find out more and for a full list of all the events visit the Sudbury Tourist Information Centre located in the library or a list of all the events can be found on the What’s On page at